
This year's Open Day in Budvar will be marked by the 120th anniversary of the brewery’s founding


This year, Budweiser Budvar, N.C. is commemorating the 120th anniversary of its founding. Therefore, the market will see limited editions of beer and "anniversary" souvenirs during the year. Furthermore, many cultural events are being prepared, e.g. the publication of a book about the history of the brewery, completion of the reconstruction of the multimedia exposition "The Story of Budweiser Beer" and historic evening tours of the brewery with dramatized scenes in period costumes. The traditional Open Day in Budvar is also going to take place in an anniversary manner on Saturday 12th September 2015.
“The traditional Open Day in Budvar is going to provide an extraordinarily abundant programme this year, since 17 performers are going to sing on two stages, the main star being the legend of the Czech music scene - Karel Gott with the Boom Band orchestra. The capacity of our premises is limited and at the same time, we expect great interest in tickets. We therefore recommend buying tickets in advance,” says Budweiser Budvar’s promotional events manager Petr Klein. The main stage area is sheltered. The site will provide refreshments and about 1,000 seats. Tickets will be available in advance sale at, in the Masné krámy restaurant and in the Music center České Budějovice as of 20. 5. 2015. Ticket prices: advance sale CZK 290 (CZK 100 children below 150cm), on the site: CZK 390 (CZK 100 children below 150cm)

Open Day in Budvar - musical programme
Saturday 12. 9. 2015

Budweiser Budvar stage
12:00 - 13:00  Děda Mládek Illegal Band
13:15 - 14:15  Zoči Voči
14:25 - 14:55  Slza
15:30 - 16:45  Petr Spálený with Nové Apollo band
17:15 - 18:15  Rozkrock
19:00 - 20:00  Miro Žbirka and Band
20:30 - 21:30  Karel Gott, Boom Band, Dasha, Felix Slováček
21:45 - 22:20  Petra Janů
22:30 - 23:30  Mandrage
00 : 00    final fireworks  

Pardál stage
12 : 00    Metal Mode
13 : 15    Törr
14 : 40    Doga
16 : 10    Alkehol
17 : 40    Dymytry
19 : 15    Škwor
20 : 40    Harlej
22 : 20    Arakain

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