
The “Austrian-Bavarian Feast” starts in the Masné krámy restaurant today

Masné krámy

The Masné krámy restaurant in České Budějovice has prepared a gastronomic trip to Austria and Bavaria for its guests. The head chef Luděk Hauser is again going to take advantage of his rich experience from the hotel Bayerischer Hof in the spa town of Bad Füssing, which ranks amongst the best spa resorts in Europe, as far as the quality of its services is concerned. The menu will present i.e. the original “Wiener Schnitzel” from veal, beef hash (“Tiroler Gröstl”) and white Bavarian sausage (“Weisswurst”).

“The Bavarian and Austrian cuisines ‘parade’ has become one of our most successful events, with this year being the seventh in a row. The ambience of the place will be completed by interior decorations and the staff being dressed in leather trousers (‘lederhosen’),” says the Masné krámy restaurant’s head chef Luděk Hauser. “Just as in our neighbours’ restaurants, our restaurant as well will be non-smoking throughout the whole week,” adds Luděk Hauser.

The “Masné krámy” restaurant draws its visitors not only due to its great cuisine, but primarily owing to the perfectly treated beer, Budweiser Budvar Krausened Lager in particular. “Masné krámy” is the only restaurant in the world where Budweiser Budvar Krausened Lager is drawn directly from beer tanks. The restaurant’s capacity is 200 places. Detailed information on the Masné krámy restaurant can be found at

Austrian-Bavarian Feast
The insight into our neighbours’ cuisines
24. 11. – 29. 11. 2014

Starters to go with beer
100g     “Tiroler Speckplatte” /Tyrolese bacon platter/                        CZK 79
200g    “Erdäpfelkäse” /mashed potatoes with cheese/, served with bread and radish        CZK 59
120g    “Weisswurst” /white sausage/, served with sweet mustard and pretzel            CZK 69

0.22 l      “Knoblauchcremesuppe” /cream garlic soup/, garlic pastry stick                                    CZK 39                CZK 39            CZK

Main courses
200g    “Tafelspitz” /cooked beef/, with horse radish mixed with a roll and bouillon potatoes             CZK 149
150g    “Jägerbraten” /pork neck with a mushroom sauce/ served with home-made bacon dumpling CZK 109 360g    “Tiroler Gröstl” /beef hash/ served with onions, vegetables and fried egg                   CZK 109
250g     “Wiener Backhendl” /fried chicken drumsticks/, with mixed vegetable salad and ½ herb baguette
                                                                                                                                                                 CZK 109  
400g    “Käsespätzle” /special cheese noodles/ served with fried onions                         CZK 98
200g    “Leberkäse” /Bavarian meatloaf/, served with fried egg, mustard and potato salad             CZK 98

The head chef Luděk Hauser recommends
200g    The original “Wiener Schnitzel” from veal, parsley potatoes, lemon                     CZK 209

200g    “Kaiserschmarren” /flambéed scrambled pancake/ served with apple purée                  CZK 59

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