
Some hits of the Electric Light Orchestra Classic are going to be heard in the Budweiser Budvar Brewery premises


“We would like to invite all fans of fine music and good beer to enjoy this extraordinary experience. Visitors will be able to see a great light show on a 16-metre stage including the best sound, provided by the Czech company of RentalPro. Melodies that have been played to this day on radios are going to be heard during the evening. In addition, it is going to be this year’s only concert of this group in the Czech Republic,” says the concert’s organizer Pavel Pešek.

The premises are completely sheltered. Accessible from Kněžskodvorská St., they will open for fans at 6.30 p.m., with refreshments available throughout the whole evening. The tickets can be purchased in the Ticketpro network for CZK 790. Alternatively, they can be had directly in the premises for CZK 850.

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