

Budweiser Budvar

“The conference is aimed at owners of breweries, brewing masters and other professional brewery public. It is going to focus on the variety of beer styles, the selection of quality brewing ingredients, beer sommelierry and the craft brewery phenomenon. Conferences of this type are a great asset for the brewing industry; especially for Czech brewing as it is important to keep up with current world trends,” says Pavel Borowiec, Pivo Bier Ale FORUM 2019 organizer.


Important guests and world leading experts include the British author of the World Atlas of Beer Tim Webb, who is going to talk about the preservation of the brewery craft and the craft beer phenomenon. Rick Kempen from the Netherlands is going to speak about international trends in the sale of beer from craft breweries, while Jeff Evans from Great Britain and Lorenzo Dabove from Italy are going to give us a tour of international beer styles.


The managing director of the national brewery Budweiser Budvar Petr Dvořák says: “Czech brewing has definitely a lot to offer. On the other hand, we know that it is essential to continue to learn and progress in brewing, as it is needed in any other field. Some outstanding capacities from the Czech Republic and abroad are going to meet in one place within this forum. I am very pleased that the national brewery Budweiser Budvar can be there, thus directly support the development of Czech brewing.”


The group of Czech experts at the conference will include Budějovický Budvar's junior brewing master Petr Košin, brewing master and taster Miloš Hrabák, NATE beverage equipment sales manager Jaromír Hart, a representative of Hop Products Jindřich Křivánek and digital communication expert Tomáš Jindřišek.


Pivo Bier Ale FORUM 2019 is held under the patronage of the Czech-Moravian Minibreweries Association.

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