
“Pardál Fest 2015” is going to feature nine rock bands and ample supplement programmes


"Pardál Fest constitutes one of the biggest summer rock festivals in the region. We invited, without exception, proven and popular bands, well known not only from South Bohemian dance parties, but also from the radio and CDs. True legends such as TURBO and PARKÁN are also going to get a chance to perform,” says Zdeněk Filip, the festival organizer and the Pardál brand manager from Budweiser Budvar. A supplement programme is also going to take place, including competitions with the Pardál brand fine-tuned prizes. Snacks, beer and soft drinks are going to be provided in the premises. The entire area is sheltered, with plenty of seating prepared. The ticket price is fixed at CZK 200. The tickets can be purchased now in advance at the “Music center” (Přemysl Otakar II. Square, Krajinská 36/2, 370 01 České Budějovice). Alternatively, the tickets can also be won in the competitions taking place at the Pardál beer Facebook profile.

Pardál Fest 2015 Programme
18. 7. 2015

12:30 - 13:20     Wicked Design
13:40 - 14:30     Narttu
14:50 - 15:40     Parkán
16:00 - 17:00     Turbo
17:20 - 18:20     Tlustá Berta
18:40 - 19:40     Sarah
20:00 - 21:00    Rozkrock
21:20 - 22:20    Love Gangsters
23:00 - 00:00    ZakázanÝovoce

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