
Jan Šavel, CSc. accepted another important award


Jan Šavel, CSc., Budweiser Budvar’s Research and Development Centre’s manager received another important award for his scientific activities. Last week, he accepted a diploma for co-authorship of a university textbook “BREWING INDUSTRY” from the hands of the Czech Brewers and Maltsters Association’s chairman František Šámal. The author team also included Prof. Gabriela Basařová, DrSc., Tomáš Lejsek, CSc. and Ing. Petr Basař, MBA. The publishing house of the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague was awarded with the F.O.Poupě Annual Prize 2010 for the “BREWING INDUSTRY” publication.

“In my opinion, the book BREWING INDUSTRY is a breakthrough, seeing that a similarly extensive textbook was last published here 50 years ago. I am glad to have been able to pass on my knowledge and experience to our successors – future maltsters and directors of Czech breweries,” says Jan Šavel. The “BREWING INDUSTRY” publication contains a total of sixteen chapters, which globally deal with the process of brewing as well as with brewing ingredients. Jan Šavel participated in writing nine chapters overall; six of which he wrote solely – these chapters deal with brewing yeast, foreign undesirable micro-organisms, pasteurization, beer maturing, quality control and enzymes in brewing. Each chapter is completed with a rich list of literature quotes. The book has 863 pages and the text is supplemented with 463 pictures and diagrams as well as 142 charts.

The “BREWING INDUSTRY” textbook represents a climax of Jan Šavel’s existing research career. During his life he has published nearly 200 scientific articles, contributed to several expert books and is furthermore the holder of many patents. In 2004, the Hall of Fame of Czech brewing and malting “welcomed” him for his lifelong contribution to the Czech brewing industry.

Jan Šavel, CSc.
Jan Šavel took began working with the Budweiser Budvar Brewery directly after his graduation at the Institute of Chemical Technology in 1967. He worked as a microbiologist for several years, taking care of a culture of original Budvar years, which the brewery has been using since its origination in 1895. He then managed the companies laboratory and quality control department. After the brewery’s separate research centre originated, he became its manager. Presently, Jan Šavel concentrates on the development of new methods of quality control and on researching the process of beer maturing.

F.O. Poupě
František Ondřej Poupě (1753–1805) was a legendary Czech maltster who introduced reforms improving the production and quality of beer. He advanced the economy of heating up the brewing tanks and apart from others, he launched the temperature control in brewing using thermometers. He published his pieces of knowledge and in 1804; he was named the writing member of the Nationalist Economic Company in the Czech Kingdom. Towards the close of the 18th century he founded the first brewing school in the world in Brno.

F.O. Poupě annual prizes
F.O. Poupě annual prizes are awarded to individuals or a group of people for an important feat of a year in the Czech brewing and malting industries. By awarding this prize, brewers and maltsters want to highlight important and beneficial accomplishments which contribute to the fame of Czech beer. The point of it is to give support to innovative procedures in the brewing industry branches and provide the general as well as expert public with an updated outlook on news, progress and interesting feats, also point out extraordinary events. The award is not granted every year; the first time it happened was in 2007.

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