
Budweiser Budvar produces the first beer with a recommended consumption age over 21

Budweiser Budvar

At the same time Budweiser Budvar is launching a special brand new 4-pack of BUD Premier Select bottles on the retail market. Since the flavour qualities of BUD Premier Select beer can be appreciated only by more experienced, more responsible and more mature consumers, the producer has decided to point out that BUD Premier Select is unsuitable for persons under 21.

Budweiser Budvar, N.C. is planning to substantially reinforce the position of the BUD brand on the Czech market this year. Customers have known the beer specialty BUD Premier Select since 1997 (until 2009 under the name of BUD Super Strong). In response to the rising demand for miscellaneous beer specialities, on 18th March the brewery is launching a special batch of BUD Premier Select Limited Edition, which has been brewed using freshly harvested hop cones of Saaz hops. Freshly harvested hop cones rank amongst the rarest brewing ingredients since they must be processed in the brewery directly after their harvest, i.e. on the same day they were picked. For that reason they are used quite exceptionally in brewing. BUD Premier Select Limited Edition is the only existing beer on the Czech market brewed using entirely fresh hops. Additionally, the limited batch includes brewer’s yeast.  

“We have created a unique beer specialty that will be particularly appreciated by beer connoisseurs. Fresh hops supply the beer with a higher amount of aromatic substances and a rather distinct bitterness. Moreover, the brewer’s yeast adds a mild yeast flavour, increase a natural fullness of the beer and overall improve the sensory qualities,”says Adam Brož, Ph.D. The limited edition of BUD Premier Select amounting to a volume of 400 hectolitres was brewed last August. Considering the extraordinarily long maturing period (200 days), the beer is ready to consume now. The edition will be supplied to selected restaurants solely in 20-litre kegs around the Czech Republic from 18th March 2013. Owing to the yeast content, the product’s shelf life is only 30 days.

These days, Budweiser Budvar is launching a brand new gift 4-pack of BUD Premier Select bottles on the retail market. “Since the special flavour qualities of BUD Premier Select beer can be properly appreciated only by more experienced, more responsible and more mature consumers, we have decided to strictly point out that BUD Premier Select is unsuitable for persons under 21. At the same time we would like to warn young people of the higher alcohol content,” says Budweiser Budvar’s brand manager Aleš Eder. The warning will be placed on all BUD Premier Select labels and will be a part of all communication of the BUD brand. “Respecting the consumption age limit of 21 cannot be legally enforced or monitored at present, therefore we understand mainly as our voluntary contribution to the public education particularly amongst young people as well as the appeal for responsible alcohol consumption,” adds Aleš Eder.

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