
Budweiser Budvar Lager has been awarded gold at the international competition in Israel

Budweiser Budvar

The beer evaluation was carried out by 23 experts from Austria, Great Britain, Italy and Israel, with the panel chairman being a Czech representative – Budweiser Budvar Brewery’s former maltster Josef Tolar. “We are grateful for Josef Tolar accepting the position of the international panel chairrman, helping us manage all the difficulties of the first year with his extensive experience from international competitions,” says the “BIRA” competition’s international relations director Moises Aaron Spak.

“We believe that the award from the competition will substantially help the development of our export to Israel. The demand for imported beer brand significantly increased in this country last year – namely by 47%, therefore we want to take advantage of this trend,” says Budweiser Budvar’s business manager for the Near East Jiří Pokorný. The beer consumption in Israel is relatively low – only 17 litres per capita p.a., but the popularity of this beverage has markedly been increasing. “Beer has rapidly been on the rise in Israel in the last 15 years. Along with the original two Israeli brands, the market has welcomed more than twenty Israeli beer brands as well as most of the important world brands. People are interested in beer and have been trying its different favours and types. Considering our conditions, European type of lager is the most favoured; the popularity of dark caramel beer has been growing fast.”  explains Moises Aaron Spak.

There are no radical restrictions on alcohol consumption in Israel. “The fact that our beer has a kosher certificate represents a competitive advantage for the export to Israel,” adds Jiří Pokorný. Budweiser Budvar Brewery has steadily been exporting to Israel since 1995. In recent years, about 1,000 hectolitres p.a. of both pale and dark lager has been exported there.  

More information on “BIRA” can be found here.

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