
Budějovický Budvar is going to organise “theatrical” tours of the brewery again

Prohlídky pivovaru

České Budějovice, 8th February 2019 – Budweiser Budvar’s Visitor Centre has prepared the fifth series of “theatrical” tours of the brewery for the four upcoming Thursday evenings. The role of the brewery guides will be taken over by the brewing master Antonin Holeček and his colleagues, who will transpose the visitors to the key moments in the history of the brewery through acted scenes.


“The idea to organise the theatrical tours originated on the occasion of the celebrations commemorating the 120thanniversary of the brewery’s founding in the autumn of 2015. Due to a huge interest of the visitors we repeated these tours three times in the past seasons – lastly in April 2017,” says Budweiser Budvar’s gastronomy department manager Tomáš Olejník, who is responsible for the services of the Visitor Centre.


“Theatrical” tours also have an important educational role, as the scripts for individual scenes are based on proven historical facts, besides others from the minutes of the board meeting of the Czech Joint Stock Brewery. The historian Dr. Ivo Hajn participated in the project. The script and production was carried out by the Kultur-Kontakt Agency from České Budějovice, which has been organizing, e.g. the popular Walking through History for many years.


The “theatrical” tours take place on the 14th, 21st and 28th February as well as 7th March always at 6.30 p.m. Those interested will be expected to turn up to the vestibule of the Budweiser Budvar’s Visitor Centre. The tickets must be booked in advance and can be ordered at, by phone at 387 705 347, or at and The entrance fee is CZK 200.


The standard tours of the brewery will continue unchanged. For further details see the web site Budvar’s Visitor Centre has been in operation since 2005, providing many other services as well – e.g. souvenir shop and comprehensively equipped facilities for corporate training and social events. Last year, Budweiser Budvar was visited by more than 60,000 people. The Original Budvar Beer Restaurant is located directly in the brewery premises. Besides perfectly treated beer the visitors can savour gastronomic specialties of traditional Czech cuisine in particular there.


Divadelní prohlídky pivovaru
Divadelní prohlídky pivovaru

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