
Budweiser Budvar has received the AEOC


On Monday 30th May, Budweiser Budvar officially accepted an important certificate - the Authorized Economic Operator Certificate, which is only granted to reliable and financially stable economic operators in the European Union. The AEOC brings major benefits to exporters, since among other things it allows access to simplified customs procedures as well as the possibility of preferential customs clearance and the customs control to be carried out at a specific point. So far, only 85 economic operators in Czech Republic have received the AEOC.

"Before being granted the AEOC, we had undergone a thorough inspection of the quality and transparency of the key processes in the corporation as well as a financial analysis, which confirmed our good financial situation for meeting our obligations," says Budweiser Budvar’s Controlling Department manager Jana Burešová. The AEOC’s major advantage lies in the entitlement to customs clearance of exported goods directly in the brewery, which is undertaken by the corporation’s trained personnel. “Since we export to nearly 80 countries worldwide dispatching dozens of shipments on a daily basis, any simplification of the customs procedures is very important for us. The AOEC is going to increase our prestige in countries outside the EU where certified companies are generally considered reliable,” adds Jana Burešová.

The customs authorities evaluated many aspects in Budweiser Budvar, such as:

  • the compliance with customs procedures and the knowledge of customs regulations;
  • they carried out a revision of the accounting and logistics system in relation to export and import, from ordering, delivery and customs clearance up to loading individual  items;
  • they carried out a revision of the internal control system for detecting illegal or unusual transactions;
  • they checked the existence of proper archiving of company records, data protection and security of information technologies;
  • they carried out a financial analysis of the corporation’s solvency and financial stability;
  • they examined the security system against unauthorized entry or intrusion into the brewery’s buildings and premises.

The demanding and comprehensive certification process started by a preliminary inquiry on September 30th, 2015, being followed by filing a request on November 9th, 2015. After nearly five months, the certificate was granted on March 3rd, 2016.

Further information and queries:

Budweiser Budvar, National Corporation

Dr. Petr Samec, PR manager

Tel: +420 387 705 284

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