“Being the festival’s general sponsor, Budweiser Budvar gave extra care to the organizational preparation so that all the visitors can get their drawn beer without waiting if possible and definitely in the highest possible quality. A team of the brewery’s experienced workers will operate the beer equipment on the site. Naturally, the visitors will be provided with ecological returnable beer beakers,” says Budweiser Budvar’s manager Petr Samec. Visitors can quench their thirst by taking advantage of a varied range of beer and cider. They can certainly appreciate both Budweiser Budvar Premium Lager and draught beer drawn directly from a tank. Beer connoisseurs will be pleased by the opportunity to savour Budweiser Budvar Krausened Lager. This beer contains live yeast that provides the beer with a fuller flavour and stronger tang. This beer is not pasteurised and justly belongs amongst the biggest specialties the brewery brews.
“To make the festivals visitors more comfortable, this year we are opening a special beer tent designed as a typical beerhouse with a pleasant sitting area, where particularly Krausened Lager will be drawn only into glassware. This year will be the first when our designer glasses are used, having been designed by a renowned and successful Czech designer Rony Plesl,” adds Petr Samec.
A total of four “Special Beer Bars” will be spaced out within the festival premises. These bars will also provide favoured summer drinks – pear and apple cider of the Somersby brand as well as this year’s newcomer – the mixed beer beverage of “PardálOVO bezové”. The beer connoisseurs will have the chance to get to know the special beer of BUD Premier Select, beer that can be called the top of beer alchemy due to its record 200-day maturing period. Its ABV is 7.5 %, therefore requires the consumers to be more experienced, responsible and mature. The brewery recommends the consumption of this beer only to young people over 21 years of age, so that they can cope with this beer specialty as well as appreciating it and savouring its flavour qualities. Those who do not want to withhold from this delicious and full beer flavour but cannot drink regular beer owing to miscellaneous reasons can try alcohol-free beer.