
Budweiser Budvar has completed extensive repair work on the bottling room building


“After more than 40 years, the bottling room building deserved the general reconstruction. Besides exchanging all media distribution systems and constructing a new facility for the employees, we also repaired the facade. In addition, we tried to make the overall result of the reconstruction not only a “showcase” of the brewery, but also an embellishment of the town of České Budějovice on one of the main access routes to the town centre. In my opinion, the building now belongs among the most beautiful industrial buildings in our town,” says Budweiser Budvar’s brewing master Adam Brož, Ph.D., MBA, this project being one of his responsibilities.

The construction work began in January this year, taking place during full operation without limiting the performance of the bottling lines. The water, electricity, heating and sewage distribution systems were replaced besides other things. The acoustic and thermal insulation properties of the building shell and the facade considerably improved. The social facilities for the employees were expanded and modernized (changing rooms, washrooms, kitchens). They will be used by both the operators and maintenance workers and the can filling line workers; later on also by the logistics personnel who will operate the peripheries of all filling lines. The capital expenditures and the cost of repairs commenced in 2014 exceeded the total amount of CZK 70 million.

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