
Budweiser Budvar Brewery has been announced the most admired company in the Region of South Bohemia


Within the opinion poll, the addressed experts evaluate numerous criteria, such as the company’s basic indicators (ability to innovate, quality of products and services, company’s long-term value), the company’s attitude towards to its employees (quality of management, ability to attract and maintain talented employees) or the company’s attitude towards the society (responsibility for the environment, relations with  society, support towards the region, charity and beneficial projects, openness and communicativeness etc.).

“We really appreciate that the professional public chose Budweiser Budvar as the winner in the list of the most admired companies in the Region of South Bohemia. About 600 employees take part in the development of the brewery, whose main priorities include high regard to traditions, natural resources and at the same time open-mindedness towards modern procedures. The honour therefore justly belongs to all our employees as well,” stated Budweiser Budvar’s PR manager Petr Samec.

About the CZECH TOP 100 association (source: CZECH TOP 100 press release)
The CZECH TOP 100 association was established in 1994 in order to regularly put together and publish a list of the most prominent companies in the Czech Republic, ranking them into a comprehensive rating list upon the comparison of selected economic indicators. These days, the association presents numerous rating lists each year, such as 100 most prominent Czech companies, 100 most admired Czech companies, the list of top annual repost etc. Additionally, the association organizes supporting programmes, conferences and professional discussion forums.

About the “100 most admired Czech companies” rating list (source: CZECH TOP 100 press release)
This ranking list has been published by the CZECH TOP 100 association since 1999. Companies are divided into 25 disciplines for the list. The top one hundred admired companies are made of those companies which came in the first four positions in each discipline. The companies that received the most votes are ranked in the “ALL STARS” list (10 most admired companies in the Czech Republic), which is made up irrespective of the disciplines. The system of the gained date also draws up the list of the most admired companies in individual regions.
The ranking list of 100 most admired Czech companies is put together by the CZECH TOP 100 association upon the polling of managers of prominent companies as well as economic and financial analysts and the representatives of industry associations, syndicates and professional associations. Within the opinion poll, the addressed experts evaluate numerous criteria, such as the company’s basic indicators (ability to innovate, quality of products and services, company’s long-term value), the company’s attitude towards its employees (quality of management, ability to attract and maintain talented employees) or the company’s attitude towards society (responsibility for the environment, relations with the society, support towards the region, charity and beneficial projects, openness and communicativeness etc.).

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