
“Blessed Lager” from Budweiser Budvar will support a good cause

Budweiser Budvar

České Budějovice, 29th November 2018 – Budweiser Budvar has prepared a special batch of “Blessed Lager” for sale. The batch was blessed by Mons. Vlastimil Kročil, Bishop of České Budějovice on 7th September. The “Blessed Lager” was filled in three thousand 0.5-litre bottles, which were hand-packed by employee volunteers from Budweiser Budvar yesterday afternoon. The sale of these bottles will be officially launched on 1st December just after the Christmas tree has been lit on the Přemysl Otakar II. Square in České Budějovice. The sale at the Budweiser Budvar market stall will be jointly opened by Mons. Vlastimil Kročil, Bishop of České Budějovice, Director of the Diocesan Charity of České Budějovice Jiří Kohout, Mayor of České Budějovice Jiří Svoboda and Budweiser Budvar’s Managing Director  Petr Dvořák.  

Volunteers from Budweiser Budvar, the Diocesan Charity, Bishopric and the Town of České Budějovice have been actively participating in the ‘Blessed lager’ project. They all are going to help in our stall during Advent, selling the beer. I believe that we will reach out to the general public and help to raise funds for those in need. I would like to thank to everyone who has supported our project by their work or a symbolic purchase,” says Budweiser Budvar’s Managing Director Petr Dvořák.

In addition to bottles, the “Blessed Lager” will be tapped in the stall as well. The price of 0.5 litre of bottled or tapped beer will be CZK 40. The proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Diocesan Charity of České Budějovice. At the same time, the “Blessed Lager" will also be tapped at the Masné krámy and Vatican restaurants. Furthermore, Budweiser Budvar’s Managing Director will give 123 one-litre bottles to the Holy Father, Pope Francis as a personal gift during a general audience in Vatican on Wednesday 12th December.


Blessed Lager

Blessed Lager

Blessed Lager

Blessed Lager

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