
Asparagus Spree - specialties from fresh asparagus in the Masné Krámy restaurant

Masné krámy

The Masné Krámy restaurant’s chef Luděk Hauser made use of the currently culminant asparagus season, arranging a special menu with eight dishes using green and white asparagus. The event ends on Sunday 22nd May.

“Asparagus has been grown for at least four thousand years, having always been considered a luxurious delicacy; therefore we are trying to bring different ways of its preparation closer to our guests via this gastronomic event. For instance, a very tasty soup or various sauces can be prepared from asparagus; nonetheless, the most typical cooking version is boiled asparagus in a Dutch sauce or with melted butter,” says the Masné Krámy restaurant’s chef Luděk Hauser. “Green as well as white asparagus will be on our menu, with most of the dishes being light spring meals,” adds Luděk Hauser.

The complete Asparagus Spree menu:

Cold starters
110 g  Asparagus with ham, Vinaigrette and butter toast (CZK 49,-)

0.22 l  Asparagus cream soup (CZK 25,-)

Main dishes

250 g  Asparagus with Dutch sauce, boiled potatoes (CZK 79,-)
250 g  Asparagus “Duet“, green and white asparagus, Schwarzwald ham, cream potatoes (CZK 89,-)
400 g  Asparagus dish with pasta, chicken strips and parmesan cheese (CZK 99,-)

Chef Luděk Hauser recommends

160g  Grilled fillet of Šumava trout, asparagus sauce, mashed potatoes with ramsons (CZK 129,-)

Asparagus with steak of your choice

200g  Turkey or pork steak with Dutch sauce, boiled potatoes (CZK 129,-)

200g  Beef strip loin of young bull with Dutch sauce, boiled potatoes (CZK 139,-)

The Masné krámy restaurant is planning further seasonal gastronomic events for this year. The beginning of June will see the “Salad festival”. “Steak specialties” will be prepared for customers in September, while the “Venison Feast” will take place in October. The Masné krámy restaurant draws its visitors not only due to its great cuisine, but particularly owing to perfectly treated drawn beer, as the guests can savour Budweiser Budvar Krausened Lager drawn directly from a tank here as well as other beers from Budweiser Budvar Brewery’s product range.

The restaurant’s capacity is 190 places. It is open daily; the opening hours are Mon - Thu 10.30 a.m. - 11 p.m., Fri - Sat 10.30 a.m. - midnight, Sun 10.30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Reservations can be made on 387 201 301 or via E-mail Detailed information about the Masné krámy restaurant including the menu and the price-list can be found at

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