
Adam Brož, Jan Šavel and the Budvar Beer Restaurant have received the Czech and Moravian Beer Academy’s Annual Award for 2016


21. 4. 2017 | České Budějovice

Yesterday, the Czech and Moravian Beer Academy presented the 2016 Annual Awards. Budweiser Budvar’s brewing master Adam Brož, Ph.D., MBA received the Annual Award in the category of “Breweries with an annual volume produced of over 500,000 hectolitres”. Assoc. Prof. Jan Šavel, CSc, Head of the R&D activities in Budweiser Budvar Brewery, received the Annual Award for his long-term contribution to Czech brewing. Budvar Beer Restaurant became the winner in the "Brewery Restaurant" category.

Yesterday, the Czech and Moravian Beer Academy (hereinafter referred to as the CMBA) presented the results of its members’ poll, awarding the 2016 Annual Awards in the Theresian Hall of the Břevnov Monastery.

Budweiser Budvar’s brewing master Adam Brož, Ph.D., MBA became the winner in the category of “Breweries with an annual volume produced of over 500,000 hectolitres”, receiving the CMBA Annual Award for the second time (the first time he was awarded was two years ago for 2014). Assoc. Prof. Jan Šavel, CSc, Head of the R&D activities in Budweiser Budvar Brewery, received the Annual Award for his long-term contribution to Czech brewing. Jan Šavel is an outstanding and respected scientist in the field of brewing, as well as the author of numerous expert articles, chapters of monographs, lectures, about 30 patents and utility models. Furthermore, he is the member of the Hall of Fame of Czech brewing and malting and the holder of the F.O. Poupě Annual Award. Budvar Beer Restaurant became the winner in the "Brewery Restaurant" category.

“We would like to thank the members of the Academy for the votes in this year's poll. We consider the Annual Awards a tribute to all Budweiser Budvar employees, who with dignity and pride continue the tradition of brewing the original Budweiser beer using time-tested craftsmanship techniques, traditional ingredients and at the same time the latest knowledge of modern science and technology,” says Petr Samec, Budweiser Budvar’s PR manager.

In 2016, Budweiser Budvar produced the most beer in its history, the total volume reaching 1,615,000 hectolitres, which is 0.8% more than in 2015 (1,602,000 hectolitres). Budvar primarily managed to further increase the volume produced owing to the above-standard performance and commitment of all workers, despite reaching the upper limit of its production and logistics capacities. The further rationalization of logistics processes and the huge investment in capacity under way is going to allow the brewery to grow further.

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