
The Czech and Moravian Beer Academy awarded Budweiser Budvar the ‘Brewery of 2013’


The Czech and Moravian Beer Academy (hereinafter referred to as the CMBA) presented the results of its members’ poll, granting 2013 Annual awards in a total of 17 categories. Budweiser Budvar, N.C. won in the category of “Breweries with annual sales over 500,000 hectolitres”. The prize was accepted by Budweiser Budvar’s brewing master Adam Brož, Ph.D. in the Monastic Brewery Strahov in Prague on 27th February.  

“We consider the annual award an important honour of the work of all people from Budweiser Budvar, who were instrumental in accomplishing record business results last year, at the same time caring for the long-term maintenance of Budvar beer’s top quality.” says Budweiser Budvar’s PR manager Petr Samec.

Budweiser Budvar, N.C. had a very successful year, having sold a total of 1,424,000 hectolitres of beer, which represents a year-on-year production increase by 6.2 %. The export achieved historically record results, as 763,000 hectolitres of beer travelled to 65 countries. Furthermore, last year’s takings significantly grew by about CZK 94 million, reaching the historic maximum of CZK 2,223 million. The brewery expects 2013 business results to positively affect the profit increase and other economic parameters of the corporation.

CMBA Annual Awards
The CMBA was established by the professional monthly magazine “Pivo, Bier & Ale”, the members being significant personalities of the Czech brewing industry. Based on a poll, the academy grants Annual awards in a total of 17 categories each year. Breweries are divided into nine categories according to their sales, other categories being the best pubs, restaurants and beer bars, as well as beer shops and breweries with hotels. The “bartender” title is awarded in both male and female categories.

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